At the end of the first nine months of the current year, Banque de Tunisie achieved a net banking income of 376.2 million ...
In 2023, the gap between the growth of loans to the economy and economic growth will return to negative territory. This trend ...
From one closure to another, punctuated by so many reopenings, the Ras Jedir border crossing seems not to have to deviate ...
International trade has displayed extraordinary volatility in recent years. After the sharp collapse in trade volumes in 2020 ...
At the end of the third quarter of 2024, BH Bank's outstanding customer loans reached 10,687 million dinars, compared to ...
TELNET HOLDING Group achieved a 12.1% increase in revenues, from 45 million dinars on September 30 to 50.4 million dinars at ...
As a result of weak economic growth and high interest rates, the pace of credit growth has slowed sharply, from 8.2% in 2022 ...
On Thursday, the Presidency of the Assembly of People's Representatives (ARP) referred to the Finance Committee the draft law ...