St-Luc and Chandolin are situated on the sunny eastern slope of the Val d'Anniviers (Eifischtal) and enjoy a majestic panorama. Spectacular scenery, attractive walking country and the ultra-modern ...
La collezione di arte moderna più rilevante di Zurigo e interessanti mostre temporanee fanno di questo museo un must per gli appassionati d’arte. Da autunno 2021, con l’inaugurazione dell’estensione ...
IN BETWEEN 6.11. -1.12. is the title of the joint exhibition by Sabina Schwaar and Judith Nussbaumer at the Pellegrini ...
Geniessen Sie in dieser turbulenten Zeit an den Sonntagabenden im Advent jeweils eine Stunde Orgelmusik in der schönen Kirche ...
The Coro Lauretano of Lugano, in collaboration with the Coro GoodCompany of Varese and accompanied by the orchestra composed ...
Performance by Olga Hohmann & Marianna Angel on the occasion of our current exhibition «Shared Location». Join us Thursday, ...
From markets to department stores to online: where and how we shop has changed drastically over the past 170 years. And ...
Christmas market and baking of farina bóna bread in a wood-fired oven The content presented here is provided and updated by ...
Mit Verena Keller, European Bird Census Council (EBCC) und Schweizerische Vogelwarte Sempach. The content presented here is ...
Das Konzert findet im Rahmen und als Abschluss der diesjährigen Konzertreihe statt. Wir freuen uns sehr auf Ihren Besuch!
Gespräch mit der Künstlerin Robin Winogrond; dem koreanisch-deutschen Künstler Stefan Burger; dem jungen Bündner Künstler ...