The University of Helsinki and its technology transfer and commercialisation company Helsinki Innovation Services Ltd are ...
For those striving for a Deep Tech & AI-enabled sustainable future, NEXUS is the place to grow crystallised solutions into fundable & scalable global startups. The call for the 3rd round of NEXUS is ...
The PEP-Web Archive contains the premier journals and classic books in psychoanalysis in addition to a video collection. PEP-Web is updated annually in January with new books and journal titles, and ...
Professor of Data Science Antti Honkela investigates privacy-preserving artificial intelligence. When training AI models using sensitive data, it is important to ensure that they do not retain and ...
Polku Therapeutics Oy, a spinout from the University of Helsinki, is dedicated to the development of novel disease-halting therapies with the aim of providing new treatment options for ...
A study of Mahmudah (2024) among international students (n=61) participating to WELLS-course showed a significant positive change in the psychological flexibility of students. Furthermore, in relation ...
This seminar is part of the EuroStorie Research Seminar Series "Conflicting Modernities: Counter-Narratives of Europe". The Autumn 2024 series will delve into European modernity, challenging prevalent ...
We are experiencing a transformation that may surpass even the arrival of the internet, says Professor of Computer Science Sasu Tarkoma. Time to think – that is what we always seek from new ...
Luomus järjestää yhdessä Viikin kirjaston kanssa luontokirjakävelyitä syksyisessä Kaisaniemen ulkopuutarhassa. Luomuksen ja Viikin kirjaston luontokirjakävelyllä kuljetaan ryhmänä Kaisaniemen ...
The agreement was signed during Rector Sari Lindblom’s visit to South Korea in September.Intensifying collaboration with Korean universities is a key part of the University of Helsinki’s new global ...
The Multinational Migrants project's seminar focused on the integration challenges faced by Russian-speaking residents in Finland. This insightful event, held on March 6, 2024, brought together ...
Pienryhmiä, vertaisarviointia, ongelmalähtöistä oppimista, MOOCeja, tekoälyä — eri oppialat kaipaavat erilaista opetusta, Kai Nordlund toteaa Yliopisto-lehden pääkirjoituksessa. Pääkirjoitus on ...