A local couple has worked tirelessly to make their dreams a reality. Luis and Sheena Cisneros, have dreamed of opening a gym ...
Alameda Intermediate fourth grade and fifth grade students participated in a superhero themed walk-a-thon on Oct. 15. The ...
The Ontario Community Library will be hosting its first Cube Club meeting in the library room at 5 p.m. Oct. 21. All ages are ...
Millions of taxpayer dollars have been invested by the state to establish a rail reload facility in Nyssa. The facility is ...
A large black plume of smoke burning outside of Ontario today was a pile of irrigation drip tape, according to Ontario Fire ...
When Ticketmaster sells Nathaniel Meyer his Grateful Dead tickets, it leads him to believe he can resell them. But he can't. Is he stuck with them?
When Frontier Airlines fails to send Marcus Mann a confirmation for his airline ticket, he tries to find out what went wrong. After losing $583, he's not getting any closer ...
NEW PLYMOUTH — New Plymouth employees put in charge of handling the city’s purchasing responsibilities were given updated rules during the New Plymouth City Council’s regular meeting on Oct. 7.
On Oct. 26 at 2 p.m., Foundations in Genesis Idaho, will be hosting a special speaker, Bryce Robertson, at , 585 N.W. First ...
A fuel tax to fix Ontario roads sounds like a good idea, ‘City considers local fuel tax to fund street projects,’ Oct. 12. There are many roads around Ontario which ...
After a lonely post-divorce decade, I have found a loving man whom I'll call "Drew." We share many of the same interests and values, and are enjoying this ...
County Planning Commission and Border Region Review Board public hearings have been held in the Malheur County Justice Court in Ontario.