In 1975, Keeping published ‘Cockney Ding Dong,’ in which he collected songs he remembered sung at home as a child. Illustrated with tender portraits of his extended family, the book is an unusual form ...
This is the face of the dead man in Clerkenwell. He does not look perturbed by the change in the weather. Once winters wore him out, but now he rests beneath the streets of the modern city he will ...
It has taken five years work to bring this together and I am so proud to share it now. The exhibition opens at the Museum of the Home tomorrow and the book is published on Thursday. It was my great ...
This was how Londoners of the late nineteenth century looked back upon the city that had gone within living memory, a London that was already vanishing into reminiscence and anecdote in their time – a ...
The Save Brick Lane campaign is a coalition of local community and heritage groups including Bangladeshi East End Heritage Society, East End Preservation Society, East End Trades Guild, House of ...
Richard Swallow introduces his exhibition of new paintings of the East End, the Thames and further afield, CITYSCAPE which opens at Townhouse next Saturday 19th October and runs until Sunday 3rd ...
Peter Parker came across the remarkable figure of Judith Piepe (1920-2003) while researching ‘male vice’ in the East End for the second volume of his anthology Some Men in London: Queer Life, ...
Jeanette Crawley sent me her transcript of ten pages of a memoir written in 1935 by her great-grandfather William Henry Knapp (1872-1952), describing his early life working in the City of London for a ...
Ben Shapiro has lived much of his life outside this country, since he left as a youth with his family to go to America where they found the healthier existence they sought, and escaped the racism and ...