We are told we need to listen to the body, but why is that? Why listen to the body when your head is full of thoughts and chatter – surely the mind is the area we need to concentrate on hearing? But ...
The human body can survive 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, but only 3 minutes without air – unless you are one of those freaky free divers, which I’m assuming you are not. Without air the ...
Hermes Trismegistus, known as the ‘master of masters’, was a man who walked the earth in Ancient Egypt well before the time of Moses. So great was the power and magnificence of the all-encompassing ...
Being both informational and instructional the Introductory Gentle Breath Meditation is the perfect meditation for beginners or for anyone interested in developing and establishing the quality of ...
Expressing love in a same sex relationship is something natural, and a natural part of being human. To want to share love deeply and express sexually is a natural feeling in relationships and needn’t ...
Bite-size nourishing yumminess - lamb kofta on a stick for the perfect party food. Great fun to make and a simple recipe to expand for a larger party. These colourful crispy corn ribs are a welcome ...
When we get sick we often think that the body has broken down in some random way – that we have been the unwilling and unwitting recipient of perhaps some mysterious virus that has chosen randomly to ...
From its origin as a complementary healing clinic in Northern NSW, Australia, Universal Medicine has also grown to be an international school of esoteric science and philosophy with complementary ...
We all long for true intimacy, but how do we go there? How do we juggle work, family, relationships, and stay open to others? Being intimate in relationships always starts with yourself; the ...
You can read and study with a great many teachers and philosophers, from Zarathustra to Buddha, Muhammad and Jesus, right down into the current era and Serge Benhayon, however you will not know the ...
“There is nothing you can do to make another feel love, but you can make them feel their own love by you being love.” Intimacy is a way of expressing the tenderness you feel within openly with another ...
It has long been said: "The eyes are the windows to the soul". It's a very poetic and metaphysical saying, and I always wondered what it really meant. Part of my personal difficulty was: what is the ...