A global real-world study of the vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) finds it offers folks aged 60 and over ...
Depression can make it tougher for athletes to recover from a concussion, and vice versa, a new study finds.Student at ...
Having close family and friends who care about their health makes women more likely to get regularly screened for canc ...
The 2023 illness and death in Nebraska of a stray kitten infected with rabies set off a large-scale effort to discover ...
Kids with good physical fitness are more likely to grow into teens with better mental health and brain function, a new ...
Is vaping finally losing its coolness for American teens?The latest tally of federal data finds that 550,000 school ...
Alzheimer’s disease might damage the brain in two distinct phases, a new study suggests.An early phase that occurs s ...
Rates of biochemical alcohol and drug screening are disproportionately higher among adolescent trauma patients who a ...
For patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS), tenecteplase (TNK) has improved functional outcome and reduced disabi ...
Among recipients with HIV, kidney transplantation from donors with HIV is noninferior to that from donors without HI ...
A new diagnosis of Alzheimer's or other dementia often spurs a person to move from their home, new research shows.“O ...
The Modified Vaccinia Ankara-Bavarian Nordic (MVA-BN) vaccine, licensed in the United States to prevent smallpox and ...